lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020

Let's go everybody!!!

Good morning boys and girls!!!! How are you doing? I hope you are fine!!!

During the week we will be working on two activities, apart from playing with the interactive maps, that you'll find in the blog, and creating the register with the punctuations of these games (just for you to know your own progess on this content).

The first activity will be a mind map (GoConqr, Canva, Power Point...) about the information on page 74, the Territorial Organisation. On friday we read the first part, and you have a very useful video in the blog that you should watch, as many times as you need, in order to undertand the territorial organisation and to create your mind map.

Here you have some examples (in spanish, you have to do it in English). Pay attention to the territorial organisation, forget about the institutional organisation and the division of power you worked on last unit. Try to do this activity TO HELP YOU understand better. Organise the ideas, the space, the structure...make it simple and clear for you.

6 comentarios:

  1. soy Samu en el zoom que yo falte digiste algo de un video. me lo explicas??? plis

    1. Tranquilo Samu, cuando acabe mi reunión de zoom que empiezo ahora os dejo la información en una nueva entrada del blog, ¿vale?

  2. Una pregunta Virginia, ¿Tenemos que copiar el esquema que hiciste tu?
    Soy Lucía Moreno.

    1. No no, Lucía estos son ejemplos para que os ayudéis, tenéis que hacer vuestros propios esquemas, ¿ok?

    2. Muchas gracias Vir.
      Soy Lucia.
