miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2020

¡¡A por Social Science del miércoles 20 de mayo!!

Good morning!!!!!!! Here you have lots of webpages to start playing and learning about Europe, our next Unit. You have till monday to read the pages 86, 88 and 89 on the book. But remember "it would be very interesting" if you read them first and then you start playing the games. Try to follow your personal register with the score that you get so you can be conscious about your own progress. LET'S DO IT!

In this webpage you can find lots of games about Europe!! Have a look!!

And more!!

More and more!!


 Lots and lots and lots of games!!!!


Buenos días chicos/as, aquí tenéis una grabación del vocabulario del tema 12 de  los EXTRANJERISMOS, ARCAÍSMOS Y NEOLOGISMOS, espero que os ayude a realizar los ejercicios de deberes, ok.